Pret A Manger – my favourite place to eat while I am `running` around London

In my 4 days that I spend in London I was always on the run. 
When I felt that I needed to eat something in a warm place my eyes stopped on the Pret a Manger shop, brand which you will see very often in the town. 
Pret creates handmade natural food, avoiding the obscure chemicals, additives and preservatives common to so much of the prepared and fast food on the market today – this is what you will read on a wood sign that it is placed in almost every shop. 
Pret a Manger is a place where you can eat organic and fresh food. I loved the yoghurt with honey and nuts and the sandwiches with all sorts of „green leaves” that usually I do not like (e.g. arugula or spinach, and also the humus thing), but the combination in the sandwiches it was delicious.
Because of my pictures are not very good, I was on the run, and the picture above is the only „decent” one :)) check their Facebook page for nice pics. 
If you plan to visit London and you think about a place where to eat, here are some examples of prices from Pret a Manger that may be useful to you: yoghurt with nuts and honey which I told you about was £ 1.60, a sandwich like the one in the photo = £ 2.40 and a bottle of Coke = £ 1.60. A fruit salad is between 2.25, 2.55 or £ 2.79. 




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