Getting lost in Petite France it’s a must when you are in Strasbourg

A `must visit` in Strasbourg is definitely Petite France, a typical Alsatian neighborhood, with cute narrow streets and even more cute houses.  Petite France contains the historical center of the city and it is part of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I have been in Strasbourg three times, during winter, spring and summer, so I have seen all the faces of the city and every time I love getting lost on the streets. It is a city you can visit by walk and in the worst case, if you get lost, you just follow the tram line and you will find your way.

The main thing you have to do in Petite France is to wander and try to see all the details of the architecture, admire the magnificent half-timbered houses from the 16th and 17th centuries and just enjoy the narrow streets.

Don’t miss the Barrage Vauban (The Vauban Dam), you can go on the rooftop and you will have an amazing view of Ponts Couverts. The Barrage Vauban is a bridge, weir and defensive work erected in the 17th century on the River III. The barrage has 13 arches and is 120 metres in length.

Also, it is very hard to choose a coffee shop, because they are all chic. You can also do a boat trip around the city.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from Petite France 😀

Also, I have lots of pics on my Instagram, here or under the hashtag #amgoestostrasbourg.

 XO | Andreea



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